Become an Awesome Speaker

Speaking at a conference can be a great way to share your knowledge and expertise with others. It can also help you build your professional network and increase your visibility in your industry. So take the first step and sign up!

Bsides Belfast, NIDC, and ServerlessDays Belfast have teamed up again on an amazing event series.

Have you ever wanted to speak at a conference, but you’re not sure where to start? Maybe you know you’ve got a great talk in you, but you need some help getting the idea nailed down. Perhaps you’ve got the perfect subject, but you’re not sure how to get that across. Maybe you’ve spoken at a conference in the past, but you’re still not entirely sure how you managed it. Or like many, you just get nervous at the sight of the empty application form, and want some structure to help you tackle it. Whatever hurdles you’re facing, we’re here to help! This is the first of a series of workshops that can take your talk all the way from a gleam in your eye to a polished and ready-to-go presentation.

Join us at Rapid7 on Thursday 30th May for food, drinks, and a workshop that will take you all the way from ambition to proposal. We’ll look at:

– How to come up with things to talk about. 💭

– How to pick a conference that suits your topic, and a topic that suits your conference. 🎯

– How to structure your proposal to convince people it’s worth coming to see. 🏗️

– How to write a bio that’s more than just your CV. 📝

This will be a working session, with time for discussion and writing. You’ll leave well on your way to being ready to submit your talk 🌟 We’ve got conference veterans and experienced evaluators on hand to give you their insights into what makes a great talk, including some who came up with the idea for their very first talk at this exact workshop last year.

If you’ve ever been to a conference and thought “I could do a better talk than that”, then this is your chance to show that you can. So come along and join us on 30th May!

Get tickets here:

What is the Speaker Event about?

Angie McKeown talks about what the Speaker Event is about
Ciaran Conliffe, talks about the Speaker Event and how the first event went

Hear from our participants

Kirstine talks to us about her experience of the Speaker Event
Liam, Jack and Ethan tell us what they got from the event
Laura shares her thoughts on the first event of our Speaker series


Preparing A Great Talk by Garth Gilmour

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